Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bustin my booty!

{not me, of course}

Just had my first session with my personal trainer. I didn't do as bad as I thought I did! Besides the need for a few minute rest because I thought I was gonna puke. No big deal. I am excited for my sessions and am going to post some of the workouts that I learn with all of y'all!

Happy Thursday!

Get your Vitamin C!

Did you know that red bell peppers have twice the amount of Vitamin C than a single orange?

AND they are super low in calories.
Incorporate them in your salads, stir frys, or eat them with some hummus for an afternoon snack.


Lisa's Swimsuit Friendly Salad

{image cred: With Style & Grace}

Lisa from With Style & Grace let me share her delicious Avocado Swimsuit Friendly Salad. My mouth is watering. I cannot wait to make it. :)

For the recipe, head over to Lisa's blog. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Favorite Zero Cal Sweetener

I came across this No Calorie Sweetener at Nob Hill Foods, and have been obsessed with it ever since. I always used Splenda for years, but wanted to find something more natural that still was zero calories. 

Ideal No Calorie Sweetener can be used for cooking and baking, and unlike other zero calorie sweeteners, this one is made with xylitol. Xylitol is a natural sweetener found in fruits and vegetables, and a natural substance our bodies produce. It also has proven to have dental benefits and is suitable for diabetics.  

So try it out. It's sweet and delicious just like sugar. :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Call me a working girl

I had an interview with Santa Clara Valley Medical Center about a month ago to work in the Health Services Administration Department, and guess what, I got it! Yippie! It's a paid internship and I will be working with patients and all different types of people to see if they qualify for the new Medical Expansion, which will be reaching 30,000 more people. Awesome. I can't wait to learn all about Health care and jump start my career.

Woo hoo! Thanks God for your blessings!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Starbucks Favorites: Guilt Free

I am a huge lover of coffee, and of course Starbucks' delicious frappucinnos. But they aren't the healthiest things. So here are my picks if you want to satisfy your taste buds but not leave feeling guilty.

Starbucks Non Fat Latte (Iced or Hot)

Only 100 calories for a Tall, with 0 grams of fat, 15 g of carbs, and 10 g of fiber!

Skinny Lattes (Iced or Hot)

For only 90 calories for a Tall, this latte has sugar free flavored syrup, and 30% of your daily calcium! My favorites are the Skinny Vanilla Latte and the Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte. Delicious.

Coffee Frappuccino Light

Only 110 calories for a grande with 0 g of fat! Super yummy on a hot day.

Steamed Apple Juice

110 calories and so soothing. My go-to Christmas drink! Add some Cinnamon on top for some extra spice.

Strawberry Vivanno Smoothie

Been buying these a lot lately, especially after a hard workout. They are 280 calories, packed with 15g of protein! Ingredients: strawberry puree, banana, milk, whey protein, fiber powder, and ice. Yum.

So there ya have it. My go to guilt-free Starbucks drinks. Got any of your own?

Monday, June 20, 2011


Want a body like this?

 Then get crackin on this!

Did you know that working out on an eliptical burns the same amount of calories as running on a tredmill? Sometimes even more! Elipticals are great for a full body workout. They work your thighs, calves, booty, abs, and arms. Make sure to use the handles for a harder workout! And maybe, just maybe, you will end up with a body like Audrina's ;) One can only hope right!?

Get Elipticalizing!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mom's Speciality: Chinese Chicken Salad

My mom has been making her famous Chinese Chicken Salad all of my life. Lucky for me. It is so delicious, I could eat bowls and bowls of it. Here is the recipe, for a huge family size serving like this one here!


2 grilled chicken breasts (or however much you want to put in, buy pre-grilled or grill yourself)
- 1/4 cup of cilantro
- I can of mandarin oranges
- 1/4 cup of green onions
- 4 cups of romain lettuce
- 4 cups of cabbage
- 1/2 cup of chopped up peanuts
- 1/2 cup of chowmain noodles for topping
- oriental dressing, enough to coat (buy fat-free or lowfat)

How to:

1) wash lettuce & cabbage and then chop up; put in a bowl and into the fridge for a few minutes to chill
2) cook chicken or use pre-grilled; dice up cooked chicken or cut into slices
3) dice up green onion and cilantro
4) take chilled lettuce & cabbage out of the fridge and assemble all the ingredients
5) top with mandarine oranges, chowmain noodles, and peanuts
6) add dressing


Eat Less

Eat a piece of fruit before your meal, and you are guarenteed to consume less calories and feel fuller faster.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quick Tip on Preserving your Fruit

Don't store your bananas with your apples, oranges, or any other fruit. If bananas are next to fruit, they will ripen and be spotted brown in 2 days. No bueno. Store your bananas in the fridge, and I guarentee they will stay fresh for longer.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tea 101

According to iVillage there are numerous benefits from tea. I always knew that tea was a much better option than coffee (tear, tear...), and the go-to drink when I'm sick. But I've never quite liked the taste. I LOVE iced tea, but hot tea, not so much. Only if I add lots of milk and sugar. Mmmm. :)

But after reading this article, I think I may switch up my daily Starbucks coffee to tea instead.

Here are all the benefits:

1. contains awesome cancer fighting antioxidants

2. it's way lower in caffeine than coffee

3. it may help to reduce the risk of heart attack & stroke!

4. helps protect our bones

5. creates healthier teeth & gums

6. helps our immune system

7. it's calorie free, so no guilt!
8. green tea helps increase the body's metabolism {sweet right?!}

So, grab some tea & sugar!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Choosing the Right Kind of Cereal

If a bowl of cereal is your daily breakfast routine, you must know how to choose the right kind.

What to look for:

1) you may think that a cereal is good for you if it's low in calories. Wrong. Sugar can be the main ingredient. It's typically low in calories so it will show a lower calorie count per serving, but eventually that sugar will turn into fat. No bueno.

2) go straight to the ingredients, if sugar is the first or second ingredient, skip it.

3) if you see the words "unbleached" or "enriched" flour, skip it.

4) disregard the calorie content, the ingredients are the most important. Words you want to see are "whole wheat", "wheat bran", "flax", "oats", etc. These types of cereal will naturally be higher in calories, but it's okay! because the ingredients are natural and wholesome and will not create fat!

5) Also be sure to look for a cereal that has a good amount of fiber. This is key, especially for breakfast time, to eat a cereal that will fill you up and keep you fuller longer.

Here are some of the cereals that I recommend:

These may look unappealing to you, but trust me, they are delicious!
Eat 1 cup of cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk.
Not full yet? Scramble an egg for extra protein.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make sure you are getting the fuel you need to jump start your day.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Weight Loss Quick Tip

For weight loss, women should have 1500 calories per day.

This is broken down into 400 calories for breakfast, 500 calories for lunch, and 600 calories for dinner (at least 3 hours before bedtime). It's that simple. Doing this will result in 1lb weight loss per week, not bad eh? And you still are allowed a lot of calories. That's my kind of diet!

source: {1}

The fruits you want to eat



Did you know that eating a grapefruit before a meal will fill you up quicker? Grapefruits have tons of soluble fiber which will keep you full longer, and it is rich in Vitamin C, so you'll be helping your immune system as well!


Watermelon is so delicious and mostly water, so you can eat a lot of it {which i like}! The water in the watermelon will increase urination, which will decrease bloating {that's always good right!?}. AND this fruit has tons of cancer fighting antioxidants, so eat up!


 Blueberries, Blackberries, Rasberries, Bosenberries, Strawberries - all are delicious and oh so sweet. These berries help reduce the risk of cancer, and the Vitamin A in them helps strengthen vision. So, instead of grabbing for a bowl of icecream, grab for these berries instead, they will satisfy your sweet tooth and won't leave you feeling guilty. Add some zero calorie sugar on top, and you got yourself a sweet dessert :)

Note: All fruits have lots of sugar, so be careful on how much you consume. The good thing is it's a natural sugar, which the body prefers much more than refined.

Eat up!
sources: {1,2,3,4}

Friday, June 3, 2011

Coffee: to drink or not to drink?

There are many different opinions when it comes to coffee. Many cannot survive a single day without their Starbucks fix. I myself am one of them. So what's the dish? Can it really be that bad for you?

1) the caffeine in coffee boosts your metabolism 
2) it helps you be more alert and focused
3) it's a diuretic so it helps keep things moving! {good for weight loss}
4) it's super low in calories, if you don't add sugar and cream of course; I recommend adding non fat milk and splenda or truvia
4) it's super yummy :)

1) the high levels of caffeine in coffee increases your heart rate and blood pressure level, so maybe 3 or 4 cups a day ain't such a good idea! I'd stick to 2 at the most.
2) since it's a diuretic, it depletes the body of its needed water amount; so if you don't replenish the body with lots of water, you may gain weight; 64 oz a day of water is needed.
3) numerous lattes throughout the day will result in weight gain, even if you get a Skinny Latte :(, why? Because milk has tons of carbs, resulting in some extra baggage..darn.

So there's the scoop.
Coffee ain't so bad, but everything in moderation of course. And you shouldn't be addicted to anything, so if your one of those people who say "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee!", you may just want to cut back. 

Be healthy and be happy.